Saturday, June 20, 2009


With our departure date rapidly drawing near, I am attempting to check off the tasks on my "to-do" list in hope that all details are in order before we leave. Taking care of the logistics of the trip has been time consuming but relatively easy compared to the other part of preparation. This is the part that I've been avoiding - preparing my heart and mind for this journey. Why is this part so difficult?

It is truly a gift to be able to return to Kenya. I feel like a part of me has been longing to return since my first visit there two years ago. What I experienced then has changed my life. My eyes have been opened to see the world and not just my little corner of it. I have witnessed God's presence in the midst of extreme poverty. I have learned the importance of investing in people and not in things. I have learned to live more simply. However, with these life lessons came emotional challenges. My heart still aches from stories that I heard, people that I met, and poverty that I saw. Even as I prepare for this trip, I feel like I'm still processing things from two years ago and I know that with this journey will come new challenges. But yet, I'm excited to return. I look forward to seeing my Kenyan friends and joining them as a participant in God's work. I am also excited to see what God has done through Beacon of Hope over these past two years.

So, as I struggle with being prepared, it is my hope to go forward with a mind that wants to learn and with a heart that God will shape into what He wants it to be.


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